A new Instagram message: “Hey! I am a sixteen year old girl. I am 1,78 tall and I am going to sign with an agency. The only problem is that my hips are 94 centimeters, I have to lose 4 centimeters. Did you also have to lose weight for modeling? Do you have tips for […]
No designer heels in Oxford Street
“Am I getting lotion?!”, two glistering, blue eyes look at me. A man from around 50 years old sits on a piece of carton in front of a store. “Oh, I am going to smell good!”, a cry of laughter escapes between the two teeth he has left. The man looks dirty and his clothes […]
Michelle’s food message
At the age of seventeen model Michelle Den Hollander, meanwhile 24 years old, almost suffered from an eating disorder. Just in time, she noticed her eating habit was going too far. She changed her eat routine step by step and started following an education to become a nutrition consultant. That was the beginning of her […]